PSYC100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Lateralization Of Brain Function, Temporal Lobe, Explicit Memory

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Models of Memory
Why is it important?
•Fundamental to daily function
•Creates meaningful life narratives
•Learn from mistakes
Divisions of memory
•Explicit vs implicit
Explicit> declarative memory: learning information that is consciously
Implicit> non-declarative memory: skill and procedural leaning that occurs
•Verbal vs visual (sensory)
Imperfect lateralisation for memory
Left temporal lobe damage
•disrupts memory for stories, words, and numbers
Right temporal lobe damage
•disrupts memory for faces, figures, and tunes
•Episodic vs semantic
Episodic: Memory for events – rich in detail and context, personally
experienced, specific to time and place, requires mental time travel
Semantic: Store of factual knowledge, words and concepts – personal or not,
independent of context
•Retrospective vs prospective
Prospective: Remembering to remember
Integration of planning skills (executive functions), attention, and memory
Models of Memory
•Often take memory for granted
•Simple acts are often inherently complex
•Multiple models of memory attempt to explain how information is encoded,
stored and retrieved:
Multiple memory systems-brain contains independent memory systems
Levels-of-processing model
Transfer-appropriate processing model
Depth of processing
•How deeply information is encoded or processed
•Maintenance information rehearsal
Repeating information over an over
•Elaborative rehearsal
Relate new information to things you already know
Context and state dependence
•How you encode should match how you will retrieve
Context dependant memory: Same context for encoding and retrieval can
help with remembering
•For example: if you were in a car crash and you go down that same road as
the crash, it can bring up that specific memory
State dependant memory: Same emotional state for encoding and retrieval
can also help with remembering
Knowledge networks
•You integrate new experiences with existing knowledge or memories
Everything you know is connected
Information Processing
•Atkinson and Shiffrin’s (1968) model was most influential
Two temporary storage units before long-term store
Three stages: Sensory register, short-term and long-term
Frequently forget the names of people we have just met due to not
constructing a memory code for the name
Attention is diverted
Active encoding is important
How do we encode information?
Need to pay attention
Selective attention is where we filter stimuli
Divded attention; difficulty focusing on two things at once
Watching tv while reading psychology textbook
Reduces in memory ability
Brain can only handles one thing at a time
Enriching Endcoding
Masses rehearsel; one long session
Easy initial learning
Highe state of activation
Spaced rehearsal; distributed over time
Doubles long-term retention
Linking incoming stimulus with other information
Link the information from this lecture to your own life
Visual imagery
Using images to represent words
Abstract versus concrete
Pavio el al (1968) examined the impact of low imagery
and high imagery words
Imagery = second king of memory
Dual coding theory
Self-reference encoding
Personally relevant
Think og how what we talked about in our learninng
lecture last week applies to you (taste aversions)
Motivation to remember (MTR)
Exert more effort if the informatino is deemed important
Increase in MTR at encoding is most beneficial
Information Processing
Sensory memory
Hold perceived information for approxiamtely half a second in orginial
Brief mental representation
Additional times for recognition
Iconic storage; maintaining visual icon
Half second to 2 seconds
After image; rapidly move your pencil in front of your eyes
Echonic storage
Unimportant information can drop out of sensory register
Short-term memory
Information from sensory register can be passed onto short-term
Information in consciousness
20 seconds (without rehearsal)
Limited capacity assessed through digit span
Miller (1956) ; seven +/- 2 pieces
Limited capacity may be less than orginially thought
Cowan ; 4+/- 1
Over-estimated due to rehearsal or chunking (putting
information into smaller pieces to remember eg. Phone
Can increase capactiy by chunking
Not a passive process
Can control informatino stored
Mantenance rehersal
Can you remember this phone number?
Can help transfer informatino to long-term memory?
Unimportant information can drop out of STM
STM as working memory
Baddeley (1986, 2007) developed a more complex version of STM
Working memory; space that can be used to solve problems
Phonological loop; rehersal of verbal information
Visual-spatial sketchpad; temporary storage of visual images
Re-arrange images
Central executive; controls attention and coordinates action
Episodic buffer; allows components of WM to intergrate
information – interface
Working memory has limited duration and capacity as described in
Working memory capacity; ability to hold and manipulate information
Stable personal trait
Can be reduced by stress and pressure
Correlates with reading comprehension
Long-Term Memory
Information can stay here for a lifetime (enduring)
Longer it spends in STM, the more likely it is to enter LTM
Retrieval of information from LTM to STM
Capacity is limitless
Can be difficult to assess
What was the name of your kindergarden teacher?
Forgetting may be a product of difficultly retreiving
Mental representation and organisation
Mental representation
Sendory representations
Information in a sensory mode
Visual; Seeing yourself doing something, Where you left your
phone or did you lock the door?
Auditory; recalling music
Semll; What food someone is cooking (although not completely
Verbal representations
Information in words
Only some information stored as verbal
Using verbal representations inappropriately can disrupt
sensory-based memory
Clustering and concepts
Bousfield (1953) observed that people categories information
Sixty words random order
Animals, mens names, vegetables or professions
Conceptual hierrchy
Can improve recall
Can compare LTM to a filing cabinet
Important at front
Broad categories and subcategories
Schemas are 'mental representation of categories of objects, event and
people' (Bernstein, 2013, p264)
Schemas are used when we find ourselves in a novel situatin
Match against existing schemas
Predictable environment
Shemas influence the information we encode and shape our
Brewer and Treyens (1981)' office schema
Can lead to true and false recall
Likely to remember consitent items or extremely
inconsistent items
Semantic Networds
'Consists of nodes representing concepts, joined together by pathways
that link related concepts' (Weiten, 2013, p 285)
Ovals = nodes
Lines = pathways
A single word (eg. Dog) is associated with many other words
Bark= characteristics
Cat = household pets
Being bitten when you were a child = personal associations
Explains why remembering one word can trigger other words
Dog and bark
Automatically think of related words
Spreading activation
Strength reduces as activation moves outwards
No use in soring information if we cannot access it again
Retrieval is an improtant concept
Tip-of-the-tongue ; unable to rememeber somehting which feels
just out of reach
Name recall
Increases with age
Found in all cultures
Retrival can support memory
Brown and Mcneill (1966); definitions of obscure words
Guessed first letter 57% of the time
Recalling the context can help
'What did you have fro breakfast on Monday?'
Situations can bring back memories
Going back to your frist school
Retracing your steps to remember something you have
Reconstruction memories
Memories are not always accurate
Loftus (1979); misinformation effect
'Recall of an even witnessed is altered by inducing
misleading postevent information
Loftus and Palmer (1974): “About how fast were the cars going
when they [verb] each other” and “Did you see glass?”
Smashed into
Retelling an event can introduce inaccuracies
Can also alter subsequent recall of the event
Reality monitoring
Misinformation is partically due to monitoring errors
Reality monitoring; deciding whether a memory is based on real
events of you imagination
Week 9 -Lecture
Friday, 5 May 2017
10:31 AM
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Models of Memory
Why is it important?
•Fundamental to daily function
•Creates meaningful life narratives
•Learn from mistakes
Divisions of memory
•Explicit vs implicit
Explicit> declarative memory: learning information that is consciously
Implicit> non-declarative memory: skill and procedural leaning that occurs
•Verbal vs visual (sensory)
Imperfect lateralisation for memory
Left temporal lobe damage
•disrupts memory for stories, words, and numbers
Right temporal lobe damage
•disrupts memory for faces, figures, and tunes
•Episodic vs semantic
Episodic: Memory for events – rich in detail and context, personally
experienced, specific to time and place, requires mental time travel
Semantic: Store of factual knowledge, words and concepts – personal or not,
independent of context
•Retrospective vs prospective
Prospective: Remembering to remember
Integration of planning skills (executive functions), attention, and memory
Models of Memory
•Often take memory for granted
•Simple acts are often inherently complex
•Multiple models of memory attempt to explain how information is encoded,
stored and retrieved:
Multiple memory systems-brain contains independent memory systems
Levels-of-processing model
Transfer-appropriate processing model
Depth of processing
•How deeply information is encoded or processed
•Maintenance information rehearsal
Repeating information over an over
•Elaborative rehearsal
Relate new information to things you already know
Context and state dependence
•How you encode should match how you will retrieve
Context dependant memory: Same context for encoding and retrieval can
help with remembering
•For example: if you were in a car crash and you go down that same road as
the crash, it can bring up that specific memory
State dependant memory: Same emotional state for encoding and retrieval
can also help with remembering
Knowledge networks
•You integrate new experiences with existing knowledge or memories
Everything you know is connected
Information Processing
•Atkinson and Shiffrin’s (1968) model was most influential
Two temporary storage units before long-term store
Three stages: Sensory register, short-term and long-term
Frequently forget the names of people we have just met due to not
constructing a memory code for the name
Attention is diverted
Active encoding is important
How do we encode information?
Need to pay attention
Selective attention is where we filter stimuli
Divded attention; difficulty focusing on two things at once
Watching tv while reading psychology textbook
Reduces in memory ability
Brain can only handles one thing at a time
Enriching Endcoding
Masses rehearsel; one long session
Easy initial learning
Highe state of activation
Spaced rehearsal; distributed over time
Doubles long-term retention
Linking incoming stimulus with other information
Link the information from this lecture to your own life
Visual imagery
Using images to represent words
Abstract versus concrete
Pavio el al (1968) examined the impact of low imagery
and high imagery words
Imagery = second king of memory
Dual coding theory
Self-reference encoding
Personally relevant
Think og how what we talked about in our learninng
lecture last week applies to you (taste aversions)
Motivation to remember (MTR)
Exert more effort if the informatino is deemed important
Increase in MTR at encoding is most beneficial
Information Processing
Sensory memory
Hold perceived information for approxiamtely half a second in orginial
Brief mental representation
Additional times for recognition
Iconic storage; maintaining visual icon
Half second to 2 seconds
After image; rapidly move your pencil in front of your eyes
Echonic storage
Unimportant information can drop out of sensory register
Short-term memory
Information from sensory register can be passed onto short-term
Information in consciousness
20 seconds (without rehearsal)
Limited capacity assessed through digit span
Miller (1956) ; seven +/- 2 pieces
Limited capacity may be less than orginially thought
Cowan ; 4+/- 1
Over-estimated due to rehearsal or chunking (putting
information into smaller pieces to remember eg. Phone
Can increase capactiy by chunking
Not a passive process
Can control informatino stored
Mantenance rehersal
Can you remember this phone number?
Can help transfer informatino to long-term memory?
Unimportant information can drop out of STM
STM as working memory
Baddeley (1986, 2007) developed a more complex version of STM
Working memory; space that can be used to solve problems
Phonological loop; rehersal of verbal information
Visual-spatial sketchpad; temporary storage of visual images
Re-arrange images
Central executive; controls attention and coordinates action
Episodic buffer; allows components of WM to intergrate
information – interface
Working memory has limited duration and capacity as described in
Working memory capacity; ability to hold and manipulate information
Stable personal trait
Can be reduced by stress and pressure
Correlates with reading comprehension
Long-Term Memory
Information can stay here for a lifetime (enduring)
Longer it spends in STM, the more likely it is to enter LTM
Retrieval of information from LTM to STM
Capacity is limitless
Can be difficult to assess
What was the name of your kindergarden teacher?
Forgetting may be a product of difficultly retreiving
Mental representation and organisation
Mental representation
Sendory representations
Information in a sensory mode
Visual; Seeing yourself doing something, Where you left your
phone or did you lock the door?
Auditory; recalling music
Semll; What food someone is cooking (although not completely
Verbal representations
Information in words
Only some information stored as verbal
Using verbal representations inappropriately can disrupt
sensory-based memory
Clustering and concepts
Bousfield (1953) observed that people categories information
Sixty words random order
Animals, mens names, vegetables or professions
Conceptual hierrchy
Can improve recall
Can compare LTM to a filing cabinet
Important at front
Broad categories and subcategories
Schemas are 'mental representation of categories of objects, event and
people' (Bernstein, 2013, p264)
Schemas are used when we find ourselves in a novel situatin
Match against existing schemas
Predictable environment
Shemas influence the information we encode and shape our
Brewer and Treyens (1981)' office schema
Can lead to true and false recall
Likely to remember consitent items or extremely
inconsistent items
Semantic Networds
'Consists of nodes representing concepts, joined together by pathways
that link related concepts' (Weiten, 2013, p 285)
Ovals = nodes
Lines = pathways
A single word (eg. Dog) is associated with many other words
Bark= characteristics
Cat = household pets
Being bitten when you were a child = personal associations
Explains why remembering one word can trigger other words
Dog and bark
Automatically think of related words
Spreading activation
Strength reduces as activation moves outwards
No use in soring information if we cannot access it again
Retrieval is an improtant concept
Tip-of-the-tongue ; unable to rememeber somehting which feels
just out of reach
Name recall
Increases with age
Found in all cultures
Retrival can support memory
Brown and Mcneill (1966); definitions of obscure words
Guessed first letter 57% of the time
Recalling the context can help
'What did you have fro breakfast on Monday?'
Situations can bring back memories
Going back to your frist school
Retracing your steps to remember something you have
Reconstruction memories
Memories are not always accurate
Loftus (1979); misinformation effect
'Recall of an even witnessed is altered by inducing
misleading postevent information
Loftus and Palmer (1974): “About how fast were the cars going
when they [verb] each other” and “Did you see glass?”
Smashed into
Retelling an event can introduce inaccuracies
Can also alter subsequent recall of the event
Reality monitoring
Misinformation is partically due to monitoring errors
Reality monitoring; deciding whether a memory is based on real
events of you imagination
Week 9 -Lecture
Friday, 5 May 2017 10:31 AM
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Models of Memory
Why is it important?
•Fundamental to daily function
•Creates meaningful life narratives
•Learn from mistakes
Divisions of memory
•Explicit vs implicit
Explicit> declarative memory: learning information that is consciously
Implicit> non-declarative memory: skill and procedural leaning that occurs
•Verbal vs visual (sensory)
Imperfect lateralisation for memory
Left temporal lobe damage
•disrupts memory for stories, words, and numbers
Right temporal lobe damage
•disrupts memory for faces, figures, and tunes
•Episodic vs semantic
Episodic: Memory for events – rich in detail and context, personally
experienced, specific to time and place, requires mental time travel
Semantic: Store of factual knowledge, words and concepts – personal or not,
independent of context
•Retrospective vs prospective
Prospective: Remembering to remember
Integration of planning skills (executive functions), attention, and memory
Models of Memory
•Often take memory for granted
•Simple acts are often inherently complex
•Multiple models of memory attempt to explain how information is encoded,
stored and retrieved:
Multiple memory systems-brain contains independent memory systems
Levels-of-processing model
Transfer-appropriate processing model
Depth of processing
•How deeply information is encoded or processed
•Maintenance information rehearsal
Repeating information over an over
•Elaborative rehearsal
Relate new information to things you already know
Context and state dependence
•How you encode should match how you will retrieve
Context dependant memory: Same context for encoding and retrieval can
help with remembering
•For example: if you were in a car crash and you go down that same road as
the crash, it can bring up that specific memory
State dependant memory: Same emotional state for encoding and retrieval
can also help with remembering
Knowledge networks
•You integrate new experiences with existing knowledge or memories
Everything you know is connected
Information Processing
•Atkinson and Shiffrin’s (1968) model was most influential
Two temporary storage units before long-term store
Three stages: Sensory register, short-term and long-term
Frequently forget the names of people we have just met due to not
constructing a memory code for the name
Attention is diverted
Active encoding is important
How do we encode information?
Need to pay attention
Selective attention is where we filter stimuli
Divded attention; difficulty focusing on two things at once
Watching tv while reading psychology textbook
Reduces in memory ability
Brain can only handles one thing at a time
Enriching Endcoding
Masses rehearsel; one long session
Easy initial learning
Highe state of activation
Spaced rehearsal; distributed over time
Doubles long-term retention
Linking incoming stimulus with other information
Link the information from this lecture to your own life
Visual imagery
Using images to represent words
Abstract versus concrete
Pavio el al (1968) examined the impact of low imagery
and high imagery words
Imagery = second king of memory
Dual coding theory
Self-reference encoding
Personally relevant
Think og how what we talked about in our learninng
lecture last week applies to you (taste aversions)
Motivation to remember (MTR)
Exert more effort if the informatino is deemed important
Increase in MTR at encoding is most beneficial
Information Processing
Sensory memory
Hold perceived information for approxiamtely half a second in orginial
Brief mental representation
Additional times for recognition
Iconic storage; maintaining visual icon
Half second to 2 seconds
After image; rapidly move your pencil in front of your eyes
Echonic storage
Unimportant information can drop out of sensory register
Short-term memory
Information from sensory register can be passed onto short-term
Information in consciousness
20 seconds (without rehearsal)
Limited capacity assessed through digit span
Miller (1956) ; seven +/- 2 pieces
Limited capacity may be less than orginially thought
Cowan ; 4+/- 1
Over-estimated due to rehearsal or chunking (putting
information into smaller pieces to remember eg. Phone
Can increase capactiy by chunking
Not a passive process
Can control informatino stored
Mantenance rehersal
Can you remember this phone number?
Can help transfer informatino to long-term memory?
Unimportant information can drop out of STM
STM as working memory
Baddeley (1986, 2007) developed a more complex version of STM
Working memory; space that can be used to solve problems
Phonological loop; rehersal of verbal information
Visual-spatial sketchpad; temporary storage of visual images
Re-arrange images
Central executive; controls attention and coordinates action
Episodic buffer; allows components of WM to intergrate
information – interface
Working memory has limited duration and capacity as described in
Working memory capacity; ability to hold and manipulate information
Stable personal trait
Can be reduced by stress and pressure
Correlates with reading comprehension
Long-Term Memory
Information can stay here for a lifetime (enduring)
Longer it spends in STM, the more likely it is to enter LTM
Retrieval of information from LTM to STM
Capacity is limitless
Can be difficult to assess
What was the name of your kindergarden teacher?
Forgetting may be a product of difficultly retreiving
Mental representation and organisation
Mental representation
Sendory representations
Information in a sensory mode
Visual; Seeing yourself doing something, Where you left your
phone or did you lock the door?
Auditory; recalling music
Semll; What food someone is cooking (although not completely
Verbal representations
Information in words
Only some information stored as verbal
Using verbal representations inappropriately can disrupt
sensory-based memory
Clustering and concepts
Bousfield (1953) observed that people categories information
Sixty words random order
Animals, mens names, vegetables or professions
Conceptual hierrchy
Can improve recall
Can compare LTM to a filing cabinet
Important at front
Broad categories and subcategories
Schemas are 'mental representation of categories of objects, event and
people' (Bernstein, 2013, p264)
Schemas are used when we find ourselves in a novel situatin
Match against existing schemas
Predictable environment
Shemas influence the information we encode and shape our
Brewer and Treyens (1981)' office schema
Can lead to true and false recall
Likely to remember consitent items or extremely
inconsistent items
Semantic Networds
'Consists of nodes representing concepts, joined together by pathways
that link related concepts' (Weiten, 2013, p 285)
Ovals = nodes
Lines = pathways
A single word (eg. Dog) is associated with many other words
Bark= characteristics
Cat = household pets
Being bitten when you were a child = personal associations
Explains why remembering one word can trigger other words
Dog and bark
Automatically think of related words
Spreading activation
Strength reduces as activation moves outwards
No use in soring information if we cannot access it again
Retrieval is an improtant concept
Tip-of-the-tongue ; unable to rememeber somehting which feels
just out of reach
Name recall
Increases with age
Found in all cultures
Retrival can support memory
Brown and Mcneill (1966); definitions of obscure words
Guessed first letter 57% of the time
Recalling the context can help
'What did you have fro breakfast on Monday?'
Situations can bring back memories
Going back to your frist school
Retracing your steps to remember something you have
Reconstruction memories
Memories are not always accurate
Loftus (1979); misinformation effect
'Recall of an even witnessed is altered by inducing
misleading postevent information
Loftus and Palmer (1974): “About how fast were the cars going
when they [verb] each other” and “Did you see glass?”
Smashed into
Retelling an event can introduce inaccuracies
Can also alter subsequent recall of the event
Reality monitoring
Misinformation is partically due to monitoring errors
Reality monitoring; deciding whether a memory is based on real
events of you imagination
Week 9 -Lecture
Friday, 5 May 2017 10:31 AM
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Document Summary

Why is it important: fundamental to daily function, creates meaningful life narratives, learn from mistakes. Explicit> declarative memory: learning information that is consciously recollected. Implicit> non-declarative memory: skill and procedural leaning that occurs unconsciously: verbal vs visual (sensory) Left temporal lobe damage: disrupts memory for stories, words, and numbers. Right temporal lobe damage: disrupts memory for faces, figures, and tunes, episodic vs semantic. Episodic: memory for events rich in detail and context, personally experienced, specific to time and place, requires mental time travel. Semantic: store of factual knowledge, words and concepts personal or not, independent of context: retrospective vs prospective. Integration of planning skills (executive functions), attention, and memory. Models of memory: often take memory for granted, simple acts are often inherently complex, multiple models of memory attempt to explain how information is encoded, stored and retrieved: Depth of processing: how deeply information is encoded or processed, maintenance information rehearsal. Relate new information to things you already know.

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