BLW 3013 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Petit Jury, Subject-Matter Jurisdiction, Small Claims Court

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American l egal s ys tem & p rocedures. C riminal l aw: l aw that addres s es crimes & punis hment of crimes . R egulates behavior to ens ure it"s cons is tent with s ociety"s conception of appropriate behavior. C riminal l aws : r epres ent crimes agains t s ociety and the s tate. C ivil l aw: l aw that regulates relations hips between parties , s uch as torts and contracts . 3 l evels of c ourt s ys tems (f ederal and s tate): a trial court, appeals or appellate court, a s upreme c ourt. F ederal d is tric t c ourt (federal trial c ourt): 94 d is trict c ourts in the u. s . and its territories. At leas t 1 for every s tate. D. c. "s district court only deals with d. c. appeals.