CHEM 1AL Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Trailing Zero, Decimal Mark, Significant Figures

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Chemistry: an experimental science that relies on accurate and precise measurements and observations. Limitations of the equipment must be considered when analyzing and gathering data. Length: extent of something along its greatest dimension (meter) Temperature: intensity of heat on a defined scale (degree celsius) Heat: transfer of energy between 2 objects of different temperatures (calorie) Density: mass per unit volume of an object (grams/milliliters for liquids and grams/liters for gases) Zeros between decimal point and number are not significant. Trailing zeros after a decimal point are significant. Zeros to the right of the decimal point are significant. Multiplication/division using significant figures: round the answer to the same amount of significant figures as the quantity with the least significant figures. Addition/subtraction using significant figures: answer has the same number of significant figures as the quantity with the least digits after the decimal point. Accuracy: how close a measured value is to the true value.