CHEM 1202 Chapter : SI Chem 1 28 13 Devin

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15 Mar 2019

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Set up an ice table for the following reaction, assuming all initial concentrations are 1m. Then write a k expression based on your findings. 2a (aq) + 3b (s) c (aq) + 2d (aq) The following reaction has these initial partial pressures: p(co)=. 45 atm & p(o2)=. 5 atm. At equilibrium, the partial pressure of co2 is . 3 atm. Find the total pressure of the system at equilibrium. The following reaction has an initial pressure of . 5 atm so2(g). At some constant temperature, the kp vaule for this reaction is 0. 16. Find the equilibrium partial pressures for all three gases. A tube is sealed and filled with . 65 atm co(g) and . 45 atm o2(g). Temperature is constant, and the total pressure at equilibrium is 1 atm. Find all equilibrium partial pressures and the kp value. The following reaction has a kp value of 3. 24 at 500o k. find the kc value.