CHEM 1202 Chapter : Acid Strength And Salts Overview

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

A combination of factors affects the acid strength of hydroholic acids: polarity of the h-x bond, strength of the h-x bond, stability of the conjugate base, x- Oxyacids are those acids in which the central atom (most commonly n, cl, s or p) is bonded to at least one, and usually more, oxygen atoms. The resulting negative charge on this unit is balanced by the proper number of h+ that associate with the oxygen atoms (one per oxygen atom). A list of common oxyacids and their names: The strength of oxyacids increases for a series of compounds as follows: given the same central atom, the more oxygens present the stronger the acid. Reasoning: the more electronegative oxygen atoms present, the more the negative charge on the anion is spread out over a larger volume. This means that the negative charge will be less concentrated on any single oxygen.