CHEM 1021 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Zirconium, Sodium Bicarbonate, Femtometre

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This sheet will be reviewing the fundamentals of chemistry, classifications of matter, physical/chemical properties and changes, classifications of energy, Metric units, si units, significant figures, and dimensional analysis. Matter- anything that takes up space and has volume. Compounds: two or more elements combined chemically in a definite proportion by mass. Energy- power that may be translated into motion, overcoming resistance or causing a physical change or the ability to do work. Element- a substance that can"t be broken down. Metals-shiny, conduct heat and electricity well, and are solids at room temperature (co, ni, cu) Nonmetals- not shiny, poor conductors of heat and electricity (h, he, n, o) Metalloids- have properties of metals and non metals (b, si, as) Diatomics: h2, n2, o2, and all of group 17. Mixtures-can be separated by physical means, are made up of two or more different substance. Heterogeneous- physical separation between components, they don"t mix.