PSY 202 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Psychoneuroimmunology, Chromosome, Telomere

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Chapter 13: distinguish between primary and secondary emotions. Primary emotions: basic emotions that people everywhere are born with, like anger, fear, sadness, joy, surprise, disgust, and contempt. Have distinctive physiological patterns and corresponding facial expressions, and situations that provoke them are the same all over the world. Secondary emotions: the variations and blends of emotions that vary between cultures that depend on cognitive complexity: describe the facial feedback process. Facial muscles send messages to the brain about the basic emotion being expressed. When people are told to smile, their positive feelings increase. When people are told to frown or look angry, positive feelings decrease: understand which parts of the brain (including mirror neurons) produce and control emotion. The right prefrontal region of the brain is responsible for impulsive emotions that cause you to withdraw or escape (out of fear or disgust)