KINE 250 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Atherosclerosis, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Social Stigma

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Lo 1: explain the physiological and behavioral effects of alcohol, including absorption, Tobacco is the largest preventable cause of death in the us (480k deaths/yr) The intoxicating substance found in beer, wine, liquor and liqueurs is ethyl alcohol/ethanol. Produced by fermentation in which yeast organisms break down plant sugars, yielding ethanol and co2. Hard liquor continues the process with distillation in which alcohol. The proof of an alcoholic drink = measure of % alcohol in the beverage = vapors are condensed and mixed with water to make the final product measure of strength. Alcohol % is half of the given proof (ie 80 proof whiskey = 40% alcohol) A standard drink is any drink that contains about 14 g of pure alcohol (0. 6 fl oz) 12 oz beer = 1. 5 oz vodka = 5 oz wine. Trick: oz x % should equal 50. Factors influencing how quickly your body will absorb alcohol.