HIST 1031 Chapter Notes - Chapter 18: Bourgeoisie, September Massacres, Sans-Culottes

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28 Jan 2014

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1789 political turmoil erupts in france and led to a revolution to restore new political order. In the late 1780s, the french government had reached a state of financial crisis. War, the french government was in debt, and the government could not tax the nation enough to raise the revenue needed. Rene maupeou appointed by louis xv to be the new chancellor, he was determined to increase taxes on the nobility, and abolished all the parlements. Louis xv"s successor, louis xvi, dismissed maupeou in 1774 and restored all the parlements. After the american revolution, france had even larger debt from aiding america. In 1786, the new financial minister calonne planned to increase internal trade, lower some taxes, and create a property tax, so those with more land would be taxed more. His plan was rejected by a committee of aristocrats. During all this, the local aristocratic parliaments were demanding to get back their independence that louis xiv had crushed.

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