GS101 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: David Held, World Trade Organization, Neoliberalism

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17 Oct 2012

Document Summary

Political globalization refers to the intensification and expansion of political interrelations around the globe. These processes raise an important set of political issues pertaining to the principle of state sovereignty, the growing impact of intergovernmental organizations, and the future prospects for regional and global governance. The artificial division of planetary social space into domestic" and foreign" spheres corresponds to people"s collective identities based on the creation of a common us" and an unfamiliar them". Through the image of the other, people"s belief in the superiority of their own nation has supplied the mental energy required for large-scale warfare. The period since the late 1960s has been marked by a radical deterritorialization" of politics, rule, and governance. As each group presents different assessments of the fate of their modern nation-state they also quarrel over the relative importance of political and economic factors. The origins of this can be traced back to seventeenth-century political developments in europe.