BU354 Chapter Notes - Chapter 14: Workplace Violence, Rishi, Human Factors And Ergonomics

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24 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Occupaional health and safety legislaion laws intended to protect the health and safety of workers by minimizing work-related accidents and illnesses. All provinces, territories, and the federal jurisdicion have occupaional health and safety legislaion. In all jurisdicions, employers are responsible for taking every reasonable precauion to ensure the health and safety of their workers. In all canadian jurisdicions, occupaional health and safety law provides for government inspectors to periodically carry out safety inspecions of workplaces. Workplace hazardous materials informaion system (whmis) a canada-wide, legally mandated system designed to protect workers by providing informaion about hazardous materials in the workplace. How to prevent accidents: reduce unsafe condiions. Safety engineers can design jobs to remove or reduce physical hazards. Supervisors/managers play a role in reducing unsafe condiions by ensuring that employees wear personal protecive equipment: reduce unsafe acts, selecion tesing, top-management commitment, training and educaion, posiive reinforcement. Before the accident, this involves taking all the steps previously stated.

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