Management and Organizational Studies 2320A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 3B: Planned Obsolescence, Counterargument, Consumerism

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Marketing receives a lot of criticism; while some if it is justified, other parts of it are not. Social critics claim that certain marketing practices hurt individual consumers, society as a whole, and other business firms. High prices is one criticism many consumers have for the marketing industry. 1 can be hard to swallow when the economy takes a downturn. Critics point out 3 factors that contribute to the high prices: 1) high costs of distribution, 2)high advertising and promotion costs, and 3) excessive markups. Consumers hold many concerns about how the marketing system serves their interests. In fact, surveys generally tell us that consumers have unfavourable attitudes towards marketing practices. Marketing agencies have been accused of harming customers through high prices, deceptive practices, high-pressure selling, exposure to unsafe products, planned obsolescence, and poor service to disadvantaged customers. None of the following are sustainable for the long-term success of a business;