SOC303H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter Week 5 #1: Demographic Transition, Quartile, Social Disorganization Theory

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30 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Diverging destinies: how children are faring under the second. Forces behind changes include: feminism, new birth control, labour market changes, welfare state policies. The government needs to do more in order to close the gap between the rich and poor. Mortality and fertility decline in first demo transition, investment in children grew: fewer dying parents and fewer siblings to compete with, rich and poor children were both benefitting. Increased cohabitation: delays in marriage and fertility, divorce, nonmarital childbearing, more maternal employment, fueled by modernization or women"s growing economic independence, highly educated women are responsible for the changes in family formation. Growing disparities in children"s resources trends: 1. Increase cognitive stimulation and warmth lead to cognitive and social development. Children with college educated father"s spend more time with them. Before 1985 both groups were a mirror image. The gap has remained constant but resources have narrowed.