PSY220H1 Chapter 10: Ch. 10 Group Dynamics and Intergroup Relations

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10 Dec 2011

Document Summary

Group dynamics:the social psychological study of groups and group processes. Group: two or more persons who are interacting with one another and/or influencing one another. Social facilitation: the effects of the presence of other people on individual performance, which will usually be improved performance on simple tasks and impaired performance on complex tasks. Dominant responses: the action (facilitation or inhibition) that is most likely to occur in a situation or on a task when the individual is alone. Social loafing: the reduction of effort that people often exhibit when working in a group where individual contributions are unidentifiable. Deindividuation: a psychological state in which a people lose their sense of personal identity and feel immersed in a group (e. g. when put in uniform) Groupthink: a way of thinking that can occur in a decision-making groups when pressure to agree leads to inadequate appraisal of options and poor decisions.