PSYB45H3 Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Notes

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14 Apr 2011

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Any one particular red strawberry is a member of this stimulus class) The presence of red strawberries has stimulus control over ginny"s behavior of picking and eating the strawberries. When the sd is present, the behavior is reinforced: 2. When any other antecedent stimuli except the sd are present, the behavior is not reinforced. It is important to remember the presence of sd does not cause a behavior to occur. Rather it increases the likelihood of the behavior in the present because it was associated with reinforcement of the behavior in the past: reinforcement is what causes the behavior to occur when sd is present. Discrimination in the laboratory: a hungry pigeon stands in a small experimental chamber. The wall in front of the pigeon features a round disk (called a key) and two lights, green and red: a pigeon has a natural tendency to peck at objects.