PSYB32H3 Chapter 1: b32Chapter 1.docx

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26 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Groups are the basic building blocks of society. Tendency to form groups has withstood time and evolution. Ingroups: tend to favour their own groups over other groups to which they do not belong (outgroups) Even when membership is based on the most arbitrary criteria (random assignment) people tend to show preferences for members of their own group over those of other groups. Stereotypes: believing that certain characteristics are associated with other groups often because the outgroup members are perceived to be antithetical to the ingroup"s welfare or values. Study of prejudice and stereotyping is important because. Understand the negative influence such thinking has on the thoughts/feelings/behavior: virtually all wars/battles and other acts of group violence have been driven by some form of prejudice/stereotyping/discrimination. Spanish inquisition, american civil war, american slave trade, holocaust, Most intense intergroup hostility has been based on a difference in religious beliefs.