PSYB32H3 Chapter 3: Classification and Diagnosis

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2 Jun 2011

Document Summary

Diagnostic system widely employed by mental health professions: diagnostic and statistical manual of mental. By the end of the 19th c, medicine had progressed far beyond its practice during the middle ages; people started to recognize that different illnesses required different treatments. More recent efforts at achieving uniformity of classification have not been totally successful either. 1939: world health organization(who) added mental disorders to the international list of causes of. 1948: list expanded to become international statistical classification of diseases, injuries and causes of death (icd): list of all diseases including classification of abnormal behaviour. who adopted it, but the mental disorder section was not widely accepted. 1952: the american psychiatric association published its own diagnostic and statistical. 1969: who published a new classification system that was more widely accepted; a 2nd version of the. Apa"s dsm was similar to the who system.