PSYB01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Belmont Report, Cognitive Psychology

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The three basic ethical principles are beneficence, autonomy, and justice. These translate into applications: assessment of risks and benefits, informed consent, and selection of subjects. Beneficence is the need to maximize benefits and minimize risks. Calculating risks and benefits is called risk-benefit analysis. These risks require great care be taken. The benefits would clearly need to outweigh the risks in such cases. If there is psychological harm then safeguards must be taken to help participants deal with stress as well as a debriefing that addresses any lingering problems. Confidentiality becomes important when the topics of study are sensitive. Usually the responses are completely anonymous but sometimes there is a need to identify the individual (when they are studied over a period of time or are given feedback) In such cases the researcher must separate the data from the person"s identity. Another concern with privacy is the observation of behaviour: urinal example.