PSYA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Central Tendency, Operational Definition, Naturalistic Observation

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19 Apr 2011

Document Summary

Chapter 2: the ways and means of psychology. Set of rules that dictate the general procedure a scientist must follow in his or her research. Three major types of scientific research is done: naturalistic observation and clinical observation. observation of people or animals in their natural environment or while they are undergoing treatment or diagnosis for a psychological condition. Foundation of biological and social sciences: correlational studies. observational in natural but has a more formal measurement of environmental events of individuals physical and social characteristics and of their behaviour: experiments. makes things happen and observes the results. Identify the problem and formulate a hypothetical cause and effect relationship among variables: design the experiment, perform the experiment, evaluate the hypothesis by examining the data from the study, communicate the results. Identifying the problem: getting an idea for research: hypothesis: starting point of any study. An idea, phrased as a general statement www. notesolution. com.