MGMA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Package Pilferage, Universal Product Code

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Gasoline: shopper"s conception of a product may be altered by such features as packaging, labelling, or the retail outlets in which the product may be purchased, some products have no physical ingredients, ex. Haircut, tax advice: total product is a total bundle of physical, service, and symbolic characteristics designed to produce customer want satisfaction. The warranty: warranty is a guarantee to the buyer that the supplier will replace a defective product (or part of a product) or refund its purchase price during a specified period of time, increases consumer purchase confidence. Brand management: choosing the means of identification for the firm"s outputs often represents a major decision area for the marketing manager. brand awareness: how well widely a brand is known. perceived quality: reflects customers" assessments of the quality of the product that carries a particular brand. brand association: the connection customers make between the brand and other aspects of their experience and understands.