PSYC 2410 Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Principles of Behaviour Notes

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Memory: the process that allows is to record and later review experiences & information. Encoding: refers to getting info into the system by translating it into a neural code that your brain processes. Retrieval: involves pulling information out of storage when needed. Model suggests memory has 3 main components: sensory memory, short-term ( working memory, and long term memory) Assumes the components may involve interrelated neural sites and memory researchers use these terms in a more abstract sense. Holds incoming sensory info just long enough for it to be recognized. Composed of different subsystems (sensory registered) which are the initial info processors. Visual sensory register is called the iconic store. Very difficult to retain complete info in purely visual form. Auditory sensory register (echoic store) lasts longer than visual memory (about 2 several seconds) Most info in sensory memory fades away. Small portion enters short-term memory through selective attention.