PSYC 2410 Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Review

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13 Dec 2011

Document Summary

Curiosity, skepticism, and open-mindness are driving forces behind scientific inquiry. Diffusion of responsibility: each person feels decreased personal responsibility for intervening (ex: girl being raped when walking back to apartment, none of her neighbour call 911even though they knew what"s happening) Gathering evidence: steps in the scientific process: initial observation/ If bystanders are present, then a diffusion of responsibility will decrease each bystander"s likelihood of intervening. (if-then statement) Manipulate perceived number of bystanders: test hypothesis by gathering evidence, analyze data. Helping decreases as the perceived number of bystanders increases. The hypothesis is supported. (if data do not support hypothesis, revise and retest) A theory of social impact is developed based on these and other findings. The theory is tested directly by deriving a new hypothesis and conducting new research: further research and theory building, new hypothesis. Hypothesis: tentative explanation or prediction about some phenomenon.