PSYC 1F90 Chapter Notes -Gender Identity, Gender Role, Androgyny

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Sex: biologically female or male gender: psychological and socially female or male. Two important aspects of gender: roles and identity transsexual: biological sex and psychological and social sex conflict. Biological differences for sex classification: genetic sex: xx or xy chromosomes. Klinefelter s syndrome boy born xxy, matures may look feminine w/ undersized sexual organs and be infertile. Turners syndrome girl born with one x and no y, matures may look masculine and be infertile hormonal sex: gonads either produce androgen or estrogen. Hormones secreted by endocrine glands gonadal sex: ovaries or testes. Adrenal glands above the kidneys also secret hormones. Everyone produces both estrogen and androgen testosterone: type of androgen secreted mainly by testes. Without testosterone there would be no males, body impulse to make females. Androgens must be low level or not at all to produce female embryo intersexual person: ambiguous sexual anatomy.