ENV S 2 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Detritivore, Comparative Anatomy, Cellular Respiration
Document Summary
Chapter 1: environmental challenges, human impacts i. 3. fertility rates: 1. 7 in highly developed, 4. 5 in least developed iii. population, resources and the environment: non renewable resources a. finite supply that took millions of years to form i. fossil fuels (oil), coal, gems, metals. 1. reduce heating costs in winter and cooling costs in summer filter rainwater pollutants reduces stormwater in sewers. 3: produces wildlife habitats, tiny homes i. ii. Residents are twice as likely to have masters degree and make average of more. 1. 6 million hectares lost annually: 36 football fields per minutes. Affects local climates contributes to global climate change ii. iii. iv: threatened oceans i. ii. iii. 70% of world"s fish species are depleted or nearing extinction. 3: coastal development, climate change, desertification i. ii. caused by animal grazing and land converted for agriculture results: loss of topsoil. 4: decline in biodiversity regional climate change, ozone depletion and polar ice cap i. ii.