ENV S 184 Midterm: ES130AMidtermKeyTerms
Document Summary
Utopian/ dystopian visions about disasters: sonali deraniyagala, who: indo tsunami survivor, what: lost her family in the tsunami, when: 2004, where: sri lanka, how: massive earthquake in indian ocean caused huge tsunami. Humanized the disaster: disaster not just just statistics, also about human experience, pacific tsunami warning center, who: group of scientists based in hawaii, what: detect tsunamis around the globe and issue timely warning, when: founded 1949, where: hawaii, how: buoys detect large rises in sea level/ pressure sensors on the seafloor detect change in water pressure due to massive displacement of water i. ii. Disaster mitigation : warning systems, education, research to improve precision and efficiency of systems, why: provide timely warning to those in at risk tsunami regions/ study tsunamis i. crucial to disaster prevention, samuel henry prince, who: pioneer in disaster research, what: wrote book based on a sociological study of the halifax disaster i. ii.