CLASS 40 Midterm: Greek Myth Midterm Study Guide

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25 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Daughter of kronos and gaia (along with zeus, hades, poseidon, hestia, and hera) Demeter becomes furious with the gods and leaves olympus to be among the mortals. To do this, she disguises herself as an old woman. She travels to eleusis and is hired as a housekeeper under the name (doso). She enters the family"s home, making it a divine location, and is asked to nurse the newly born son, demophoon. Demeter chooses to make demophoon immortal by placing him into a fire but catches. Metaneira watching and takes demophoon out as punishment. She reveals her divinity and demands a temple in eleusis where she waits as she spreads a famine (no harvest). Zeus sends each god to reason with demeter, but they fail. Underworld to get persephone: hades agrees to let persephone go but feeds her a pomegranate seed which promises her to him for one-third of the year (etiology of seasons).

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