CLASS 40 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Typhon, Midas, Ichor

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11 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Here is an update on the midterm checklist. You are responsible for anything i said in lecture about the epic of. Gilgamesh and the stories of the gods and humans, the ilms (where they overlap with the powell textbook (chs. You are also speciically responsible for the powell textbook"s list of key names and terms at the end of each chapter (chs. 1-12: excluding near eastern terms), and the webpage readings (eg, gilgamesh checklist, greek gods genealogy sheet, greek gods list). The web site is at http://eres. library. ucsb. edu password: slope. Know the key characters (divine and human) and the stories associated with them, i. e. , know the story lines and key turning points/themes in them. Also, pay attention to what i said about the relationship between mesopotamian and greek religious beliefs / practices and greek myths as well as the essential sources for myth and the historical time periods. Know the following historical periods and their dates: