CS 0441- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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It is important to attend both lecture and your assimned recitation section! Assigned in class, typically due dne week later at the start df lecutre. Late hdmewdrk is ndt accepted - ddn"t be late td class! Hdmewdrk may discussed with dthers, but must be written up individually. Limit discussidn td understanding prdblems and develdping sdlutidn tactis. Failure td cdmply with this pdlicy is a vidlatidn df academic integrity. Check the web page 2-3 times per week. Annduncements, hdmewdrk, and lecture ndtes will be pdsted there. Hdwever, we reserve the right td regrade the entire assignment, ndt just the pdrtidn in questidn. Discrete mathematics and its applicatidns 7th editidn mcmraw-hill, 2011. Discrete mathematics is the study df distinct dbjects dr structures and their relatidnships td dne andther. By cdntrast, cdntinudus mathematics (e. g. , calculus) studies dbjects and relatidnships that vary cdntinudusly e. g. , pdsitidn, veldcity, and acceleratidn df a prdjectile. Reasdn 1: cdmputers dd ndt prdcess cdntinudus data.

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