HIST 1720- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 16 pages long!)

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13 Oct 2017

Document Summary

*understanding cause and effect (what happened in order/what comes before/after/focus on centuries rather than years. Out of africa theory- homo rectus- developing homo sapiens (ooa) and then distributing all over the world (more heavily believed) Multi-regional evolution theory- moving out of africa and then evolving. Human history of the stone age: paleolithic society- hunting and gathering (with stone weapons) stone age, neolithic society- discovery of agriculture. Slow process, but it happens much more quickly as it spreads. Tools begin to emerge to improve agriculture (plow) As a result, roles of men and women almost reversed bc of heavy machinery. With so much food, need for storage pottery. Introduction of metal age (2000-2500 bc bronze age) Not moving as much around- begin to build communities in individual units. Importance of agriculture we can see in: stonehenge in england- acts as a calendar to help with crop schedules/ also same purpose of newgrange in ireland.

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