HIST 1031 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Aristocracy, Young Germany, Young Ireland
Document Summary
Be sure to address the role the aristocracy, monarchy, church, sans culottes", bourgeoisie and peasantry: the bourgeoisie (winners, they were educated lawyers and merchants who had been jealous because the nobility and clergy had so much power because of birthright, once the estates general came to meet at versailles, the first two estates were side lined by the third estate, peasants (winners, bourgeoisie would dominate the national assembly, bourgeoisie would benefit the most from the french revolution, when the revolution was finished feudalism was gone. This allowed a degree of disparity to develop in the countryside: the country post revolution would be relatively peaceful, women (losers, weren"t trying to assert themselves in government, they were concerned about bread and butter issues such as the price of bread and preparing for the upcoming winter, october 1789 the women marched to versailles.