MGMT1135 Midterm: MGMT1135_ Teams

26 views2 pages
6 Dec 2020

Document Summary

With complementary skills committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals and common expectations. A group of employees belonging to the same functional department, such as marketing, r&d, production, etc. who have a common objective. A group of employees from different functional departments that are brought together to perform unique tasks to create new and non-routine products or services. Teams were typically composed of 5 12 employees from the same department who met for a few hours/week to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the work environment. Relatively autonomous teams whose members share or rotate leadership responsibilities and hold themselves mutually responsible for a set of performance goals assigned by higher management. Teams that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal. Collections of two or more interdependent teams that share a superordinate goal they are a team of teams.

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