
Test Preparation

Objective: Research, identify, and participate in planning and practice for postsecondary assessments

Directions: Complete the following activities and questions to complete the assignment.

Tasks: Visit these links to identify which test preparation is good for you! All of these sites provide free test information and preparation.

1) Take the online practice tests to determine your strongest and weakest areas.

Information and practice are provided from the official SAT site. There are many free options and a few low-cost ones.

Information and practice are provided from the official ACT site. There are many free options and a few low-cost ones.

Spark Notes contains a lot of information and practice, as well as links to other sites.

An SAT program from the Ck12 Foundation. You must register to access the materials, but there is no cost to you.


Tips for SAT/ACT Test Registration

Some tips for test registration:

  • To register for the test, go directly to the site. or ( It is not required that your register to complete this assignment )
  • Be prepared to spend some time on the first application as there are questions to complete with the registration.
  • Have a credit card handy to pay for the test.
  • Print your receipt and any other information that you might need for reference.
Our school code, or CEEB number, is 100576. Please use this number so that your scores will be sent directly to us.


Activity: Analyze Practice Test Results

Directions: Based on the results from the practice tests you completed above, Answer each of the following questions.

1. Submit a list of your weakest areas. 2. Submit a list of strongest areas. 3. Which of the tests (ACT or SAT) will best highlight your strongest areas? 4. Explain in 2-3 sentences why that particular test would highlight your strengths better than the other.

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