

While there is a huge range of soft skills, this activity will focus on the six soft skills that the U.S. Department of Labor has identified as the most important contributors to becoming successful in the workforce.

They are as follows: #1 Communication, #2 Enthusiasm & Attitude, #3 Teamwork, #4 Networking, #5 Problem Solving & Critical Thinking, #6 Professionalism


Activity #1: Soft Skills Checklist

Visit the link below to learn about using Soft Skills to improve your employability skills.

X X1) Open a word document and type the six soft skills in a column in the left margin [communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem-solving and critical thinking, and professionalism]

For example:

Soft Skills Checklist







X X2) Categorize each of the points from the article under the soft skill it applies to. (NOTE: Some of these points will fit under more than one soft skill category.)

Example: One point from the article is "Behave professionally". This would go under the soft skill of 'Professionalism"


1-Behave professionally – know when to stop joking, wasting time fooling around.


X X3) Then, add your own important point/s from your own experiences.

Example: One point from the article is "Behave professionally". This would go under the soft skill of 'Professionalism"


1-Behave professionally – know when to stop joking, wasting time fooling around.

If you are joking or not, it is important not to roll your eyes or show your co-workers and boss any negative body language.


X X4) Also, create and list a question that pertains to each soft skill.

Example: One point from the article is "Behave professionally". This would go under the soft skill of 'Professionalism"


1-Behave professionally – know when to stop joking, wasting time fooling around.

If you are joking or not, it is important not to roll your eyes or show your co-workers and boss any negative body language.

Question: How do I show professionalism to my supervisor, co-workers, and customers?


Activity #2: On Your Own

Use the Soft Skills checklist you created to evaluate your workplace skills.

X X 5) What skills do I need to improve on?

XXX6) What skills am I good at already?


Activity #3: Reflection

X X 7) How will I practice my soft skills? Create and explain a plan of action that you will take to practice each of the learned soft skills. (minimum 3 sentences)

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