
Activity: Interest, Skills, and Values Assessment

For this activity, you will use the link provided below to discover your individual interests, skills values.

As you go through this, answer the following questions:

1) What are the your top 4 Interest Profiler Results?

2) Pick a Job Zone. Which Job Zone did you choose?

3) Of the Job Zone choices listed for you, which zone(s) did you feel was right for you ?

4) What experience, education and training is required?

5) W​hat is the top Career Listed?

6) For that top career, what is the Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Personality and Technology information you need for this career?

7) What is the second Career Listed?

8) For the second career listed, what is the Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Personality and Technology information you need for this career?



9) Do you have what it takes?

If not, describe what you can do right now to prepare? What abilities do you need to improve on? (Math reasoning, concentrating better on tasks without being distracted, basic skills such as listening...)

If so, what abilities do you have that you feel make you prepared for the career(s) you have chosen?

10) The career option that surprised me the most is?




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