
Research paper so the information needs to flow.(paper length must be between 1-2pages. (about common-bottlenose dolphin)

Phylum name

Common name of species

Taxonomic Classification:

Domain- Eukaryore

Kingdom- Animclia

Phvlum- Chordata

Class- Mammel.a

Order- Cerartiodactyla

Family- Delphinidac

Genus- Tor siops


3. Body Plan:

Asymmetrical, Bi-lateral or Radial Symmetry?

What are the parts of its anatomy?

What type of skeletal plan does it have?

4. Reproductive Strategies:

a. Are there males/females/hermaphrodites? b.How many offspring are produced at once?

How do they reproduce?

Where are their breeding grounds? (if any)

5. Feeding Strategies/Predators:

a. What does it eat?

b. How does it eat? (Suspension Feeder, Deposit Feeder, Grazer, Absorption, Predation, Scavenging?)

6. Motion Strategies:

a. How do they move? (Sessile, swimming, crawling, burrowing)

c. What body parts does it have for movement?

7. Location and Habitat:

Where is it found in the world (which oceans/off of the coasts of which continents?

Which Ocean Zones? (photic/aphotic; littoral/sublittoral; oceanic/neritic;
epi/meso/bathy/abyssal/hadalpelagic zones?)

Habitat Adaptations? (These could include camouflage, sight, hearing, temperature regulation, movement, etc.)

Do they migrate? If so, where?

Extra/Interesting/Strange Facts (AT LEAST 2 DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE INFO)

Provide a picture image of your organism:

a. It must fit in a space around the same size as the box at the top of this page. b.
It must be an actual scientific image and not drawn.

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