

 Create a poster that visually details the ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION of a specific drug as it is ABSORBED, METABOLIZED and EXCRETED by the human body.

 In the presentation discuss the progress of the drug from administration to excretion in a step-by-step way.

 In other words, chart the progress of a specific drug from its point of entry into the body as it moves through the various organs, tissues, and structures of the body until the drug, or its metabolites are excreted. For example, if your assignment was on the intravenous use of heroin, the poster should include a drawing, diagram, or photograph of a syringe; of heroin itself; of a needle puncturing a vein; of heroin travelling through the circulatory system to the various organs, and so on.

In both the poster and the presentation, be sure to specify:

  • the route of administration (a.k.a. how the drug got in the body)
  • the drug itself.
  • how the drug gets from the point of entry into the circulatory system (if applicable)
  • what happens next (Where does it go? How does it get there?)
  • the organs and tissues involved in breaking the drug down
  • how/where the body excrete the drug or it’s metabolites.

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