
ACTIVITY: Warning Labels Assignment
Under strict product liability, warning labels and directions for safe use must be included with every product sold or used in the United States. It is important for medical office personnel to keep a watchful eye out for damaged products that if left in use could cause injury to a patient.
For example, if something looks like a chair and is placed in use as a chair, it follows that it should be able to be sat on like a chair. If no visible warning labels are present, a morbidly obese patient sits on the chair, and the chair collapses under the patient's weight, both the physician and the manufacturer could be held liable.
Look up warning labels and directions for use on various Internet sites. Find labels with warnings that "a reasonable person" should know but that manufacturers have included on the product to prevent potential litigation. Do not use the same site for each of your products. You must use 5 separate websites for this project.
Your paper must include at least 5 warning labels, directions, and the Internet site's web address for that product. Please name the site and place the web address underneath the name. The warnings and directions must be easily located by your instructor.

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