
Physical and Chemical Chances Quiz.
(A) Read the following situations.
(B) Underline or circle the key word or words that helps you determine if it is a physical or chemical chance.
(C) Label the situation (P) for physical or (C) for chemical.
___ Ms. Simpson boilled water for her tea.
1. _____ Josh was sad when his birthday candles burned out.
2. _____ John had to cut the branches off the tree.
3. _____ He then burned them in the fireplace.
4. _____ Alexis was making cookies. The first she had to do was melt the butter.
5. _____ Shaina did not expect the two clear liquids to turn pink when she mixed them together.
6. _____ It took three days for all the water to evaporate from the solution of saltwater in the aluminum pan.
7. _____ When Kenna snapped the glow stick the stick began to glow.
8. _____ A cheap cleaning solutions baking soda and vinegar. When put together, it foams vigorously and gets cold.
9. _____ The test tube with gas made a popping noise and briefly in up when a it match 'was placed by the opening.
10. ____ The water on the toudstumed to ce

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