


University of California - Irvine

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English3Marketing3Science3Geography1Psychology1Information Technology2Algebra1Computer Science6Biology180Mathematics1Statistics3Chemistry12
Answer: B. Serial Dilution with a Dilution Factor of 2 To perform a serial dil...
Answer: Dietary supplements containing ephedra alkaloids were removed from the...
Answer: a. Identify an Australian Non-Government Organisation (NGO) and Descri...
Answer: o solve this problem, we need to consider the probability of all peas ...
Answer: Eric could administer melatonin to help adjust to the new time zone. E...
Answer: (MC – 0.25) A 6-month-old Caucasian boy becomes ill after fruits and...
Answer: The correct answer is: c. drying and frozen Explanation: Sample preser...
Answer: Modern Discovery of Candida albicans Background and Initial Identifica...
Answer: Your summary of cephalization is thorough and well-written, covering a...
Answer: Cephalization is the evolutionary process by which nervous and sensory...
Answer: The best explanation for grooming among relatives is: B. Hamilton's Ru...
Answer: Established Industries Undermined by Technological Advances: The Music...

1. Which of the following best describes a condition where a membrane separates two solutions that are NOT in equilibrium?

A a rainbow
B equilibrium
C a homogeneous solution
D neighboring solutions that have unequal concentrations of molecules

2. In this lab, we will use dialysis tubing to....

A simulate biological membranes
B separate blood from urine
C turn starch blue
D turn starch brown

3. Biological membranes have different types of pores and channels, and different permeability to small molecules depending on size and charge. In this lab, you can assume that the dialysis tubing we are using are permeable to....

A starch
B water and potassium iodide
C complex sugars
D small animals

4. Kinetic energy is a property of the atom, and also of more complex structures such as molecules. You can actually see kinetic energy of non-living things in action under the microscope. When we visualize this, we call what we see...

A diffusion
B Brownian motion
C osmosis
D all of the above

5. One word to describe the effect of water diffusion across a membrane, which alters the water pressure on one side of the membrane with respect to the other is....

A osmosis
B lysis
C aquaporin
D equilibrium

6. Suppose that you place a red blood cell in a hypertonic solution containing penetrating molecules. In this environment, you would expect the cell to eventually

A swell and burst
B shrink
C remain the same in size
D photosynthesize

7. For the "egg lab", what is the main objective?

A to determine which egg has more mass
B to determine which egg is hypertonic to the other
C to determine which solution the egg is placed in is hyper- or hypo-tonic solution
D to determine which egg is isotonic with the egg

8. The main difference between a 'prediction' and a 'hypothesis', is that predictions....

A are framed as an "if...then...because" statement
B are framed as a general statement
C are framed as an "always....true" statement
D are framed as an "correct....incorrect" statement

9. Read each of the following procedural steps for plasmolyzing Elodea sprig and then select the correct order below.

Locate a region of healthy cells and sketch a few adjacent cells

Sketch the plasmolyzed cell

While touching one corner of the coverslip with a piece of Kimwipe to draw off the
water, add a drop of concentrated salt solution to the opposite corner

Obtain a leaf from an Elodea or Water sprite plant

A 4, 2, 3, 1
B 3, 1, 4, 2
C 2, 3, 1, 4
D 4, 1, 3, 2

Answer: Here are the correct answers with explanations: Which of the following...
Answer: No, the signal peptide of proteins secreted by the Sec translocase is ...
Answer: 1. Does the absence of a phenotype in embryos without the balancer imp...
Answer: No, cold storage and cool storage of foods are not the same thing. Exp...
Answer: The dysfunctional organelle in this case is the mitochondrion. Explana...
Answer: The complement cascade is a crucial part of the innate immune response...
Answer: First Part of the Question: Hypothesis Based on the Data Based on the ...
Answer: Beta oxidation of fatty acids produces substrates for the Krebs cycle ...
Answer: The correct answer is: D. Lipid metabolism Explanation: During starvat...
Answer: A) Designing an Experiment to Test if Temperature Affects Rates of Nit...
Answer: Mammals use specific carbohydrate molecules on the surface of cells fo...
Answer: The statement that does NOT describe a process involved in the transmi...
Answer: To solve this problem, we need to determine the frequency of double-mu...
Answer: Here are the correct answers with explanations: 5. Oxidative muscle fi...
Answer: In Labrador retrievers, coat color is determined by two genes: the B g...
Answer: The activity of sodium thioglycollate in thioglycollate broth is to: 1...
Answer: The similarity between the range of wavelengths detectable by the huma...
Answer: When considering whether to recommend a supplement like chitosan for w...
Answer: Nerve cells (neurons) and muscle fibers work together to perform the f...
Answer: Let's solve the questions step by step. a) What is the amount of hemog...
Answer: General Disease Process: The disease process, also known as pathogenes...
Answer: 1. Why Do Plants and Animals Differ in Their Development and How Do Th...
Answer: The incorrect statement is: "In the absence of oxygen, further oxidati...
Answer: The correct answer is: B. These mutants represent 2 genes Explanation:...
Answer: The options provided seem to be related to different plant hormones an...
Answer: If two proteins share 40% sequence identity, it is possible, though no...
Answer: The STA test you are referring to is likely the Starch Hydrolysis Test...
Answer: Here are the answers and explanations for each question: QUESTION 3 Wi...

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