
I need help conducting a z-test for my assignment. The question states, "You want to determine if Canadians are nicer (less rude) than Americans. Americans 'niceness' score is ยต=2.4 with a standard deviation of 1.6. You get a sample of n=36 Canadians to complete the same niceness questionnaire. You calculate descriptive statistics for your sample as M=2.9 and s=1.9. As this is exploratory research, use an alpha of .10. Conduct a z-test on the information above. Make sure to note: 1.) the formula, 2.) the null and alternative hypothesis, 3.) the critical value, 4.) calculate the result (show calculation in case of error), 5.) What is the statistical decision, 6.) What does this mean in plain english?"

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
7 Mar 2019
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