What is constant velocity?
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1- Define velocity and acceleration in terms of position and time.differentiate between the instantaneous quantities and the averagequantities.2- how are average velocity and instantaneous velocity related foran object moving at constant and non constant velocity?3-how would you expect the graph of position versus time to lookfor a car moving at constant and non constant velocity on a track?explain how the graph would be?4- what would a graph of instantaneous velocity versus time looklike for a car moving with constant velocity? or a car speeding up?or if the car is slowing down?your help is much appreciated.
An object moves in a circular path at a constant speed "v". Which of the following statements is true concerning the object?
An object moves in a circular path with constant speed v. Which of the following is true concerning the object?
(a) Its velocity is constant, but its acceleration is changing.
(b) Its acceleration is constant, but its velocity is changing.
(c) Both its velocity and acceleration are changing.
(d) Its velocity and acceleration remain constant.