11 Dec 2019

Which of the following is a reason for executive privilege?

a. Because the Presidency is such a hard job, they need certain privileges to make it bearable.

b. Presidents need executive privilege as a way of rewarding their friends and political allies.

c. Executive privilege is a way that Presidents can hide their mistakes and avoid getting blamed when things go wrong.

d. When the President gets advice from people about what to do, those people need to feel that they can speak freely, even if what they have to say might be unpopular, without fear that people will find out. Also, Presidents need to be able to discuss political strategy without their opponents finding out what it is.

The growth in White House staff:

a. Has exposed the president to a wider array of political interests and policy choices.

b. Means that, more and more, presidents are shielded from political reality outside the White House, surrounded by people with a kind of "bunker mentality."

c. Has been a complete blessing for modern presidents.

d. Hillary Clinton won huge majorities in a few big states, but lost a few important states by very small margins.

How might Donald Trump be removed from office (before the next election)?

a. He can be impeached and removed by Congress. It requires a majority vote in the House to impeach him, and then a trial in the Senate. If 2/3 of the Senators vote to convict him, he is removed.

b. The House of Representatives can call for a new election.

c. If the Supreme Court finds that a foreign government, like Russia, interfered with the election, they can call a new election to take place within 6 months.

d. If he is found guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors by a court of law, he will be removed.


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