
1.) After a successful career as CFO at a top 100 company you have decided to pursue your passion...Coffee. You open a small, sophisticated coffee bar on the Upper Eastside of Manhattan--Cafe 100. Your clientele are serious coffee aficionados (and sometimes snobs). They insist on knowing as much about the coffee they drink as possible. You devise several measures and categories to inform them on what you believe to be important information regarding the 100 coffees you serve. Your measures are: 1) popularity of a coffee at Cafe 100 (ordered by most popular =1, least popular = 100), 2) Country of origin (Ethiopia, Sudan, Guatemala, etc.), 3) Cost per pound, and 4) Arrival Date imported into the US.

Which of following single statements is false?

A. A designation of a coffee as Costa Rican is an example of categorical data.
B. A designation of a coffee as number 12 in popularity is an example of ordinal data.
C. A coffee designated as $14.95 per pound is half as expensive as coffee designated as $29.90 per pound.
D. Coffee rated number 21 is not twice as good as coffee rated number 42.
E. None of these statements are false.

2.) Which of the following statements is false regarding big data?

A. The volume of data continues to increase, and what is considered "big" today will likely be even bigger tomorrow.
B. Big data refers to massive amounts of data from a wide variety of sources, much of which is available in real time and much of which is uncertain and unpredictable.
C. Companies like Walmart and Facebook have decided to buy in to the promise of big data and use the techniques to create competitive advantage.
D. Understanding uncertainty and having high-quality data are essential to good decision making and the use of big data techniques.
E. None of these statements is false.

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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