
Below are data that need to be placed in an excel spreadsheet.The challenge is to create a proposed budget for the public libraryof Smithtown. Here is all the information you need: ProposedBudget:

§ 5 percent increase in salaries except for clerical staff, whoget a 6.5 percent increase

§ Assume fringe benefits as given (12% health insurance, 20%pension, 6% Social Security, 2% disability)

§ One chief librarian at a salary of $75, 893

§ Two librarian positions at Level II at a salary of $61, 234each

§ Four librarian positions at Level I at a salary of $54, 469each

§ One MIS position at a salary of $71, 089

§ Five clericals, three of who are budgeted for half time at afulltime salary of $31,789, and the other two are full-time.

Complete the spreadsheet and answer the following questions: 1)What is the salary plus fringe benefits for one Level II librarian?2) What is the total number of positions, not people? 3) How muchis the library spending on health insurance for a Level I librarianin the proposed budget? 4) What is the total proposed budget forthe library?

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
28 Sep 2019

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