
I want to open an online business and sell specially designedathletic wear for larger women. I need to construct a preliminaryplan to raise capital to get things going. (Angel investors,partnerships. etc). I need to thoroughly detail my long-term goals,including a one and five-year goal for the business. (In one year,would like to be showing a profit, and within 5, just be astakeholder, with no active role). (My goals at this time are tofind initial investors, so I can produce some of the clothes, toshow them that my business model is viable). I also need to asummary of my financial needs, (budget for manufacture of goods,setting up my website, payment system/I have chosen Stripe, do apreliminary cash flow statement (have no actual figures at thistime), and decide on long-term plans for the business. I want thecompany to be self-sufficient in 2-3 years, when I can sell mymajor interests, but still receive a percentage of the revenue. Howshould I do this?

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
28 Sep 2019

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