18 Jun 2019

American rice producers have extremely high production costs, due to some structural prob-

lems. Therefore, if not supported by the government, they will not be able to compete with

foreign producers. Analyze two supportive policies intended to maintain domestic rice produc-

ers: (1) a per-pound subsidy to farmers for each pound of rice produced, or (2) a per-pound

tari on imported rice. Assume that the world market price is below the domestic equilibrium

price and in either policy government only wishes to make sure that producers will receive

this price. Illustrate with supply-and-demand diagrams the equilibrium price and quantity,

domestic rice production, government revenue or decit, and deadweight loss from each policy.

Which policy is the government likely to prefer? Which policy are farmers likely to prefer?

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
19 Jun 2019

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