27 May 2018

Question 1

The higher the capital utilization rate, the greater the depreciation rate.


Question 2

Higher capital utilization rates may raise the user costs of capital because higher utilization rates imply

operating at inconvenient times.
paying overtime to employees operating the machines.
operating when complementary services like transporters are unavailable or more expensive.
All of the above.

Question 3

If the rental price of capital increase, the capital utilization rate

remains the same.

depends on whether the substitution rate is greater than the income effect

Question 4

The vacancy rate in the labor market is

the number of job openings divided by the number of unemployed people in the labor force.
the number of job openings divided by the number of workers in the labor force.
the ratio of open jobs to filled jobs.
the ratio of open jobs to the total number of jobs that employers want occupied.

Question 5

Unemployment can exist in a market clearing model if it takes some search time for workers to find jobs.


Question 6

A decrease in workers’ effective real incomes while they are unemployed will

lower the job finding rate and raise the expected duration of unemployment.
lower the job finding rate and the expected duration of unemployment.
raise the job finding rate and lower the expected duration of unemployment.
raise the job finding rate and the expected duration of unemployment.

Question 7

In the Barro model, the natural rate of unemployment is

positively related to the job separations rate.
positively related to the job finding rate.

Question 8

If the interest rate increases, the real demand for money also increases


Question 9

Commodity money is money that has value because

of the intrinsic value of the commodity.
it is legal tender.
the government says so.
All of the above.

Question 10

High-powered money is

money held by business for investment.
total currency in circulation plus depository institution deposits at the Fed.
total currency in circulation.
government bonds held by the public and depository institutions.

Question 11

U.S. M1 money includes

currency held by the public.
checkable deposits.
traveler’s checks.
All of the above.

Question 12

U.S. M2 money includes

currency, time deposits, and government bonds.
savings deposits, small time deposits, and private bonds.
checkable deposits, savings deposits, and small time deposits.
retail money market mutual funds, small time deposits, and government bonds.


Money is different from other assets like capital and bonds in that

money does not pay interest.
money has intrinsic value.
money is a better long term store of value.
All of the above.


If a person’s income doubles, we expect their cash holdings to

more than double.
less than double.

Question 15

Real money demand does not change when

nominal GDP changes.
the interest rate changes.
the price level changes.
All of the above.

Question 16

All else constant, the price level rises when the supply of money increases.


Question 17

If the nominal interest rate were to increase, then

money demand decreases and the price level increases.
money demand increases and the price level decreases.
the money supply and the price level would increase.
the money supply and the price level would decrease.

Question 18

Real money demand is a function of real GDP and the nominal interest rate.


Question 19

The real return on money is zero.


Question 20

If the expected inflation rate is 5% and the unexpected inflation rate is 4%, the actual inflation is


Question 21

When the rate of growth of money is constant

the inflation rate equals the growth rate of money.
the nominal interest rate rises.
real money balances are declining.
All of the above.

Question 22

A decrease in the money growth rate in the market clearing model causes

a decrease in the nominal interest rate.
an increase in money demand.
a decrease in the price level.
All of the above.

Question 23

A decrease in the money growth rate in the market clearing model causes

an increase in the nominal interest rate.
an increase in money demand.
an increase in the price level.
All of the above.

Question 24

Under price level targeting the money supply becomes


Q 25 During a recession, the interest rate falls tending to cause money demand to rise, but is at least partly offset by real GDP falling tending to cause money demand to fall.


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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
30 May 2018

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