12 May 2019

13. People or firms use one currency to purchase another currency at the ___. A. international currency exchange B. foreign exchange market C. foreign currency exchange D. international parity market

17. If government policy allows a country's currency to be determined in the exchange rate market, then that currency will be subject to A. a hard peg policy. B. purchasing power parity. C. depreciation. D. a floating exchange rate.

19. Which of the following is an example of a pegged currency?

A. U.S. dollar B. British pound C. Euro D. Chinese yuan

22. Using the term "spillover" is a less formal means of describing

A. an externality. B. social costs. C. private costs. D. market failure.

32. Steve and Craig have been shipwrecked on a deserted island in the South Pacific. Their economic activity consists of either gathering pineapples or fishing. We know Steve can catch four fish in one hour or harvest two baskets of pineapples. In the same time Craig can reel in two fish or harvest two baskets of pineapples.

Assume Craig and Steve both operate on straight-line production possibilities curves. What is Steve's opportunity cost of producing a basket of pineapples? Of a producing a fish? What is Craig's opportunity cost of producing a basket of pineapples? Of a producing a fish?

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
14 May 2019

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