23 Mar 2019


You are the owner of a manufacturing firm (a C-Corporation), with the following characteristics:

a) You manufacture “things”, at production facilities in several locations in the U.S. You also directly own production facilities in China and the Netherlands, and you use outside contract manufacturing facilities in Thailand.

b) You purchase the raw materials and parts to manufacture “things” from a variety of vendors and sources, both in the U.S. and in the EU. You also purchase parts from a subdivision of your company, located in Thailand.

c) You sell globally, through a combination of directly employed sales representatives in the U.S., independent sales representatives in the EU, and Export Management Companies.

Given the above facts, and your imagination, answer the following questions:

1) What are some of the issues and risks in currency exchange rates that you face, in terms of your sales revenues, your Costs of Goods, your debt service obligations (and sources of capital), and your interest earnings on your left-side of balance sheet securities portfolio? Discuss the risks you face, and some of the measures you can take to mitigate those risks.

2) The list price of your “thing” is $100 in USD. Under the terms of the Law of One Price and the discussion in the book on relative PPP (and using current exchange rates as quoted today in the WSJ), what should the price of a “thing” be in England? In the EU? Discuss some reasons and factors why the price might actually be different than it should be under the theory of PPP?

3) Explain the concept of ‘comparative advantage’. How would this apply to your company and its production of “things”? Under what conditions could you argue that your company has a comparative advantage over companies in other countries? Use your imagination in defining what your “thing” is. What factors can change a nation’s comparative advantage over time? For example, explain why some industries are ‘re-shoring’, returning from Asia back to the U.S.

4) Discuss the process of “globalization”. What are the steps and levels of a firm, including yours, as they progress from strictly domestic production and sales towards a multinational level? What are the reasons that any firm would consider globalizing, and what are some of the risks? How can those risks be mitigated?

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
26 Mar 2019

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