
3 points each Rational Expectations believes that markets accurately incorporate all known info. According to the Monetarists wages and prices are completely flexible.

The Monetarists believe that the velocity of money is a constant.

The Monetarists believe that fiscal policy results in a high level of crowding out.

Supply side economists believe that the government skews the incentive system.

The R-E economists believe that money affects real economic variables.

The Monetarists admit that wages and prices are sticky in the short run

According to supply-siders tax cuts should go to households.

According to Milton Friedman, the Fed should increase the money supply at a constant rate each year.

According to the original supply-siders, raising taxes can raise tax revenue some of the time.

Find a web site that discusses the Friedman view of the Great Depression, provide the link and briefly describe what it says. 15 points

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 Kritika Krishnakumar
Kritika KrishnakumarLv10
28 Sep 2019

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